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- EzDesk(tm) Copyright (c) 1995-1997 by Melissa Nguyen - All rights reserved.
- Archive Contents:
- README.TXT - This file
- EZDESK.EXE - EzDesk program (the magic!)
- EZDESK.INF - Install script for EZDESK.EXE
- LICENSE.INF - Registration script (registered user only)
- EZSETUP.EXE - Setup program
- Add-ons (registered user only):
- EZRES.DLL - Maintain a different screen resolution for each user
- EZICONS.DLL - Maintain different desktop icons for each user,
- great with Microsoft Plus! and users profiles
- EZFOLDER.DLL - Set default folder view
- EZLOG.DLL - Track login, logout, and shutdown activities
- Description:
- -----------
- EzDesk for Windows(R) 95 and NT 4.0
- EzDesk is a Windows(R) 95 and NT 4.0 utility that manages the desktop icons'
- layout. There are many times when a perfectly arranged desktop icons' layout
- is scrambled by an errant application or an accidental desktop arranged by
- name, type, size, or date. Switching the screen resolution also requires
- the manual rearrangement of the desktop icons' layout. EzDesk can restore a
- desktop icons' layout to a previously saved arrangement.
- EzDesk installs itself as a taskbar notification icon or operates silently
- in the background and be activated via a hot key.
- EzDesk is a nice complement to the Microsoft(R) power toy QuickRes.
- By default, EzDesk maintains the desktop icons' layout for each resolution
- setting. With the registered version, a name can be assigned to a particular
- layout to be saved and later be restored.
- EzDesk offers the following features:
- * Managing the desktop icons' layout.
- * Managing open folders position, size, view, icons' layout, and toolbar
- and status bar settings.
- * Hide all windows and undo.
- * Minimize all windows and undo.
- * Submenuing of up to the last 10 Run... history entries
- * Clearing the contents of Documents Menu. Options for all, selective,
- or not accessed in a specified number of days.
- * Clear the find files and folders most recently used list.
- * Clearing the contents of the temporary location (often left behind by
- a program that crashed!)
- * Clearing the contents of the Run... history
- * Clearing the recent file list of any standard application
- * Shutting down Windows quickly via a hot key.
- EzDesk Tab is an extension to EzDesk in the form of a Display Properties Tab.
- Installation:
- ------------
- First, copy all the files of the archive into a temporary directory.
- Then start EzSetup.
- Then, right-click on the setup INFormation file
- (EZDESK.INF file.. which looks like a text file with a little gear on it)
- and choose the INSTALL command. When you're done installing the EzDesk,
- you can then delete the files in the temporary directory. In short, the
- install script simply copies EZDESK.EXE into the WINDOWS directory, places
- a shortcut in the StartUp menu, and registers an uninstall in the Control
- Panel Add/Remove Software.
- EzDesk will start automatically on subsequent startup, unless preempted by
- the shift key during startup.
- EzDesk can be uninstalled via the Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel.
- *** For registered user, simply install LICENSE.INF after installing EZDESK.
- Instructions:
- ------------
- Please see the online help.
- Release history:
- ---------------
- 09/16/95 1.0 Initial release
- ...
- 08/12/96 1.8 Numerous enhancements
- Support Windows NT 4.0
- Remove clear temporary directory
- 10/29/96 1.8 Build 182 - final release
- 03/19/97 1.8 Build 190 - fix minor problems
- Registration:
- ------------
- The EzDesk program and documentation are Copyright (c) 1995-1997 by
- Melissa Nguyen, and are released as shareware. If you find EzDesk
- useful and use it regularly please consider registering it. The
- registration cost is $15.00 (U.S. funds; cash, check, or money
- order.) The registration form can be found inside the EzDesk
- package.
- Registration licenses a specific user on as many machines as are
- used solely by that user, or alternatively licenses a specific
- machine (not network servers) for an unlimited number of users.
- You may copy this software (subject to the $15.00 registration
- fee for each user or machine) freely as long as the entire package
- is distributed without modification.
- Now is a great time for NEW users to register.
- Registered users are SPECIAL. They receive...
- 1. A personalized copy of EzDesk (name appear on the Splash screen
- and About dialog box). This version also enables the following
- features:
- * Settings can be saved
- * The Tidy up command
- * The Add-on command
- * Splash control option in the Settings dialog
- Registered users can also request for customize features via the
- add-on facility.
- If requested, a copy of the latest version of EzDesk can be sent
- via U.S. mail. Please add the shipping and handling fee as follows:
- * Domestics U.S.A.: US$2.00
- * International: US$3.00
- 2. Notification via e-mail (if specified in the registration form) of
- all future releases of EzDesk.
- 3. Permission to obtain updated versions from all the sites listed
- above at no additional charge.
- 4. Personal technical support via e-mail
- 5. Special offers on:
- EzAutorun - a utility that greatly enhances the CD autorun capability
- in Windows 95
- EzWindow - a utility to maintain windows' size and position for
- different resolution.
- EzRegistry - a utility to back up your registry daily.
- EzRun - a utility to switch resolution before starting an application
- and optionally restore to the original resolution when the
- application terminated.
- EzExit - a Windows 95 exit utility with options.
- EzLogon - a utility to automatically respond to the password
- prompt with the user name.
- EzPolicy - a utility to set up various policies for users
- So don't forget to register today!
- Availability:
- ------------
- The current version of EzDesk can be downloaded for evaluation at:
- http://users.aol.com/EzDesk95
- Further Distribution:
- --------------------
- On-line services, bulletin board systems, sites on the Internet, and
- publishers are free to re-distribute EzDesk electronically or on
- recorded media with the following guidelines:
- 1. No modifications may be made to any files, and no files may be
- deleted or added to the archive.
- 2. No redistribution is permitted without verification against
- the latest EzDesk archive at this site or the sites listed above
- to ensure that the most recent version is being re-distributed.
- 3. Re-distribution on recorded media requires notification to the
- author that such re-distribution is being made. Clear notice that
- the program is shareware is required. A copy of the complete retail
- package is to be sent to the author at the address below for
- verification.
- 4. Software distribution services may not charge more than a nominal
- shipping and handling fee for the software without prior written
- consent of the author.
- Disclaimer:
- ----------
- No warranties are expressed or implied for this software, including
- merchantability or suitability for a particular purpose. No
- responsibility will be assumed by the author for any loss or damage
- due to its use.
- Inquiry:
- -------
- If you have any problems with this program, ideas for features that should
- be added, I can be reached at the following manner (in addition to the
- address below):
- Internet: nguyen@compuserve.com
- CompuServe: [70571,637]
- Telephone: (909) 629-8404
- EzDesk95 Web site:
- http://users.aol.com/EzDesk95
- ___________________________ Order Form _________________________________
- Send To: Melissa Nguyen
- 8-A Village Loop, Suite #160
- Pomona, CA 91766
- Please check:
- [ ] US$15 if you use EzDesk regularly (cash, check, or money order)
- [ ] Send 3.5" disk, shipping and handling, please add:
- $2.00 U.S.A., $3.00 International, or
- [ ] Email to ______________________________________________________
- [ ] Same information as on the check, or
- Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ____________
- Company: ____________________________________________ Title: ___________
- Address: _______________________________________________________________
- City, State, Zip, Country: _____________________________________________
- Phone: _________________________________________________________________
- Electronic Mail address: _______________________________________________
- What version of EzDesk are you currently using? ________________________
- How did you hear about EzDesk? _________________________________________
- Comments: ______________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________________
- To register via CompuServe:
- EzDesk SWREG# is 8395
- To register via Kagi:
- http://www.kagi.com